dei Gatti Vikinghi

rating dell’allevamento : +0

Mine is a small NFO Cattery located in Italy. I do not have big ambitions, and I would not say that this can be considered neither a job nor a hobby, but just a passion for the feline world, especially orientated to preserve the NFO natural breed. Here you can’t find a litter every month, at last a litter or two a year (in 2014 for example we hadn’t any kitten born) because I just want that mothers are perfectly healthy and absolutely ready not only for giving birth, but also for breastfeeding and raising their children in the following months: that allows newborns to integrate perfectly and grow without anxiety and behavioral problems. My transition from cohabitation with common house cats to this amazing breed was almost logical to me, as the Norwegian cat is a natural cat: not contaminated with man-made crosses with other cats: that allows him to maintain his “savages” genes who are partly “soothen” by living with humans.

Cats of the cattery